Discover our Story in Revolutionizing Furniture

Our Story

The Founding of a Vision: Sajawat Furniture

Woodse, one of the pioneers in the North Bengal furniture industry, was born from the vision of Mr. Sunil Kumar Singhal. He believed in creating sustainable, high-quality furniture that was both affordable and accessible to all segments of society. This mission led Mr. Sunil and his partners to establish Sajawat Furniture in 2008. True to its tagline “Sajalo Apni Duniya”, Sajawat quickly found success and became a household name for furniture in the city.

Our Vision

Expanding Horizons: Furniture Junction and Woodse Furniture

Inspired by the early success of Sajawat, Mr. Sunil sought to extend his influence in the furniture industry and launched Furniture Junction as a sole proprietorship in 2013. Further capitalising on the growing demand, Woodse Furniture was introduced in 2021. The renewed commitment to be an integral part of every home led to a surge in customer interest in Woodse’s year-round stock and exclusive designs.

Establishing the Network: Supply Chain Dominance

Today, Woodse has the most active supply chain in North-East and West Bengal, with its foundation firmly established in Siliguri. Catering to a diverse range of customers – retail, wholesale, commercial, domestic, and corporate, the firm now boasts a display area of approximately 50,000 sq.ft.

Our Services

Delivering Quality: Customer-Centric Approach

Woodse’s reputation as a “one-stop shop” for all kinds of furniture – wooden, steel, plastic – simplifies the buying process for customers. As a customer-centric brand, Woodse ensures standardized raw materials are used to deliver exclusive products that make customers feel at home. The brand’s mission goes beyond selling furniture – it’s about helping customers ‘decor their dreams.’

Within 48 Hours Dispatched

Interior Designing

Custom Furniture

Bulk Ordering

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